What is the difference between the types of vegetables and vegetables? The vegetables and vegetables are foods indispensable in our daily lives to have a healthy and balanced diet. However, despite being so common in our life, we are still confused when it comes to giving the correct nomenclature. After all, what is vegetable and what is vegetable ?

Differences between vegetables and greens

Differences Between Vegetables And Greens

The main difference between vegetables and greens is in the botany of plants. That is, the parts that are classified as vegetables are the fruits, the roots, the stems and the tubers. As examples, we have tomato, pumpkin and eggplant (fruits); radish, cassava and carrots (roots); heart of palm and asparagus (stems) and potatoes (tubers). Vegetables are the leaves and flowers of plants. Some leaves are lettuce , cabbage, cabbage , chard, spinach while the flowers are broccoli and cauliflower.

Another difference is also in the amount of carbohydrates present in each one: vegetables tend to have less carbohydrates and less caloric values. For this reason, many nutritionists recommend eating it as a green leaf, while vegetables should be eaten in moderation.

It is worth mentioning that all vegetables are essential for a healthy life and should be included in the daily menu for a balanced diet. They are rich in vitamins and minerals indispensable to the human body!

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May 2024

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